Advocacy in action Donate Fundraise Coram Voice champions the rights of children in care. We get young voices heard in decisions that matter to them and work to improve the lives of children in care, care leavers and others who depend upon the help of the state. In the UK today there are over 117,900 care experienced children and young people. Coram Voice makes sure children know their rights and helps them to navigate the system, challenge decisions and make sure their rights and wellbeing are protected. Imagine being 17 with no idea where you’ll be living when you turn 18 Cast your mind back to when you were 17 going on 18. Did you know how to manage a household budget; what benefits you were entitled to; or what your rights as a tenant were? You probably turned to your family for guidance, care leavers don’t have that opportunity. As one young care leaver told us: “Up until the age of 18 we’re given special treatment (clothes allowance and pocket money) and turning 18 throws us into a bit of a dark pit.” With your support, Coram Voice can help get more young care leaver's voices heard to ensure they have a bright future. The many aspects of Coram Voice's work include: Always Heard, the only national advocacy advice line and safety net for children in and leaving care A national network of independent advocates Independent visitors, who become reliable adult support for children Independent persons who ensure children’s rights are upheld in the complaints process and at Secure Accommodation Reviews The Bright Spots Programme, the largest national survey of the views of children and young people in and leaving care in England Voices our national writing competition for children and young people in and leaving care A National Voice, our ambassador programme for care experienced children and young people Please consider making a donation today.