If a child falls behind by 11 they may never catch up. Poor literacy can limit educational and career opportunities, and crush confidence and self-esteem. You can help a child catch up. Due to the pandemic, more and more children have fallen behind and they urgently need your help. 

By donating to Coram, the UK's oldest children's charity, you can provide them with one-to-one support with a trained Coram Beanstalk reading helper to ensure they do not get left behind.

Help provide children with the one-to-one support from our volunteer readers that they desperately need and that the school system is struggling to provide.  

Your donation can provide the love and opportunity needed to thrive to children who otherwise would face lifelong disadvantages. Your support can help us repair the damage to children’s futures and prevent thousands more children from falling behind. 

You can also donate over the phone by calling 020 7520 0330 (Office hours Mon - Fri, 9am-5pm)